10-P results interpretation | |
Osumex 10P Urine Analysis
The 10-P Test Kit consists of the following:
5x pack:
- 5 pouches each containing one 10-P Test Srip (see pic on right)
- A 10-P Test Colour Chart
- An insert providing information on the Test and Usage
- A test tube to contain the urine and facilitate insertion of strip into sample urine collected
- A pipette to transfer urine collected to test tube
10x pack:
- 10 pouches each containing one 10-P Test Srip (see pic on right)
- 2 10-P Test Colour Charts
- 2 inserts providing information on the Test and Usage
- A test tube to contain the urine and facilitate insertion of strip into sample urine collected
- A pipette to transfer urine collected to test tube
The 10-P test strip is very sensitive to atmospheric moisture and once the pouch is broken, it should be used immediately. It is important
not to open the pouch until the urine sample has been collected and transferred to the test tube.
The Osumex 10P Urine Analysis kit can be purchased in bags of 5 strips or 10 strips per bag (see pics below).
Each Osumex 10P Urine Analysis kit consists of a test-tube, a strip contained in a pouch, colour chart to check results of the test and an insert
on usage and information. Please see images below.
Click here for full size 10-P Test chart
The above information is provided for general
educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace competent
health care advice received from a knowledgeable healthcare professional.
You are urged to seek healthcare advice for the treatment of any
illness or disease.
Health Canada and the FDA (USA) have not evaluated these
statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent
any disease.