10-P results interpretation | |
Osumex 10P Urine Analysis
Limitations of the 10-P Test
- Glucose
Moderate amounts of ketones may inhibit the colour development of the presence of small amounts of glucose (75-125 mg/dl). The reactivity of
the glucose test decreases with increase SG and will vary with temperature
- Bilirubin
Reactions may occur with high levels of chlorpromazine or refampen (rifampin). These substances are often used for certain bacteria infections
and or tuberculosis.
- Ketone
It is possible that colour results that suggest a positive reading may be affected by the presence of MESNA or large amounts of phenylketones
or L-dopa metabolites - a human growth hormone
- Specific Gravity (SG)
highly buffered alkaline urine may cause low readings and presence of moderate levels of proteins may increase SG readings
- Blood
The sensitivity of the result may be affected by high SG. Microbial peroxidase usually associated with urinary tract infection may cause
false positive results
- pH
If "running" of the urine occurs due to excess urine on the strip, it may lower the result
- Protein
A false positive result may be caused by high alkaline urine. Contamination by quaternary ammonium compounds may also cause false positive
- Urobilinogen
The presence of Ehrilch's reagent such as porphobilinogen and p-aminosalicyclic acid may affect result. Presence of azo-dyes may mask colour.
If a negative result is achieved, it is not confirmation that urobilinogen is not present as it may be masked
- Nitrite
A positive result is not a quantitative indication of the presence of bacteria. Any pink colouration of the result should be interpreted as
a positive result of 105 or more organism/ml. There are other infections by organisms which do not contain reductase to give a
positive result for this nitrite test
- Leukocyte
A strong colour urine and the presence of the drug cephalexin and gentanicin might interfere with the result. The colour result is also
affected if protein is present to 500 mg/dl or higher. High levels of glucose and high SG may depress colour result
Each Osumex 10P Urine Analysis consists of a test-tube, a strip contained in a pouch, colour chart to check results of the test and an insert
on usage and information. Please see images below.
Click here for full size 10-P Test chart
The above information is provided for general
educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace competent
health care advice received from a knowledgeable healthcare professional.
You are urged to seek healthcare advice for the treatment of any
illness or disease.
Health Canada and the FDA (USA) have not evaluated these
statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent
any disease.