10-P results interpretation | |
Osumex 10P Urine Analysis
The presence of glucose in urine especially if at high levels suggests "uncontrolled
diabetes". Even if the level is low, further tests need to be done to confirm. The user needs to test again one week later
or consult the user's professional health care giver. If left unchecked, this may lead to the onset of Diabetes Meillitus
or Type-2 Diabetes. Once this happens the condition is irreversible. Thereafter lots of other health issues may arise because
diabetes affects the condition of the blood - "the life-force of the body".
The presence of billirubin in urine, even at trace amounts are considered abnormal. Normally there should not
be any billirubin in urine and positive results must be followed up. Either the user needs to re-test to confirm the positive result and or
follow up on this with the user's professional health care giver. Billirubin is a breakdown product of haemoglobin and its presence may
suggest liver or gall bladder dysfunction.
The presence of ketone in urine suggests that the body is burning fat for energy. Normally no ketones are
present in urine although detectable levels may be found during physiological stress conditions such as fasting, pregnancy, strenous exercise,
starvation diets, and other abnormal carbohydrate metabolism situation. High levels of ketones may indicated ketosis and while this is not
considered a harmful state, it may cause the body's pH to become acidic.
Specific Gravity (SG)
Twenty four hour urine from normal adults with normal diets and normal fluid intake would have a SG of between 1.016 -
1.022. In severe renal damage the SG is fixed at 1.010 which is the value of the glomerular filtrate. Therefore if the SG reading
is low or very high, user needs to follow up with further tests and user's professional health care giver.
The presence of blood in urine may indicate problems with the urinary tract.
Blood may be frequently but not always found in the urine of mensturating females. Any green spots or green colour developing in the
indicator area within 40 seconds is significant and must be followed up.
pH of first morning urine should be within the range of 6.5 - 7.5 for a health state. The pH of cancer
patients or those with cardiovascular diseases or anyone with serious health problems is usually 5.0 or less. True
health lives in an alkaline stare!>
The presence of protein in urine may indicate the filters in the kidney, glomeruli, are
damaged. A colour result matching any colour greater than trace amounts indicates siginificant proteninuria. Proteinuria occurs
if a condition known as glomerulonephritis or nephritis exists. A negative result may not rule out the presence of proteins and the test is
sensitive to 15 mg/dl albumin.
The presence of urobillinogen in urine of 2.0 Erhlich per decilitre is considered significant and must be
followed up. Increased urobilinogen in urine indicates hepato-cellular dysfunction or increased billirubin formation
suggesting liver problems.
The presence of nitrite in urine indicates infection with the bladder and or urinary tract
. The test is specific to nitrite and will not react with any other substances normally excreted in urine.
The presence of leukocyte in urine suggests inflammation of the kidney and or unrinary tract
. Normal urine generally would give a negative result and a tract result can be considered significant and re-tests are strongly
recommended. Repeated trace results shojld be considered clinically significant and followed up with the user's professional health care
Note: These tests should not be used as a conclusive diagnostic tool or evidence of diseases but more as a preliminary detection of
possible health issues so that the user can consult or follow up the user's professional health care provider. As with all home tests,
definitive diagnostic or therapeutic decisions should not be based on a single test result..
Each Osumex 10P Urine Analysis consists of a test-tube, a strip contained in a pouch, colour chart to check results of the test and an insert
on usage and information. Please see images below.
Click here for full size 10-P Test chart
The above information is provided for general
educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace competent
health care advice received from a knowledgeable healthcare professional.
You are urged to seek healthcare advice for the treatment of any
illness or disease.
Health Canada and the FDA (USA) have not evaluated these
statements. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent
any disease.